Thursday, October 20, 2011

Stupid social rules

I think social rules are stupid, yet almost unavoidable for anyone who communicates with another human being. Why do we have a set of rules to follow in order to interact with other people?
First, let me clarify what I mean exactly by social rules. Social rules dictate the way I behave in social situations, the actions and reactions I have in those situations. For example, if I were invited to a wedding, I would be expected to wear formal attire, and my +1 would be expected to wear a suit. What if I showed up in jean shorts and sandals? By not following the social rule of attire at a wedding, I have opened myself up to the ridicule and disdain of everyone at the wedding, and most likely offended the bride and groom. Do you see anything wrong with this? It is because of the social rules themselves that I am ridiculed and that the bride is offended!
Here's another situation where social rules (should not) apply: my friend introduces me to her Italian dad for the first time, and he innocently kisses me on both cheeks, with no ill intention. I am American, so of course it makes me very uncomfortable. Depending on how culturally unaware I am, I may even be highly offended by it and think him to be a huge pervert. Social rules have just made the situation weird, when it should have been simple.
Social rules are just a way to control society's acceptance of certain behaviors. If you base your actions on what is acceptable to society, your life will reflect everything you see on TV.
So what set of rules should we be following? Well, you know what is right and wrong, don't you? Do you need a set of social rules to tell you what to do all the time? Should you be on time to work? Should you treat others with respect, the way that you want to be treated? Should you do your homework? Should you steal? Murder?
Did you really need social rules to answer any of those questions? No, you did not. See now? Social rules are stupid. I think they should be called "anti-social rules".


  1. When rules of this type are actually laws, they are of course made by lawyers (usually politicians)for use as a tool to further their cause either for their own purpose or against another individual or group.

  2. They are also there to further the cause of division amoung the people. Black/White, Upper/Middle/Lower class, well educated/partly educated, etc...
    There is also a "lingo" specific to various groups that make situations awkward if you are privy to it. "Memer of the Club" mentality. You see it dished out on TV also. This is the way blacks are, this is the way whites are around blacks...
    Even in corporations, there are social expectations. What you wear, how you act in a meeting, etc...
    It's all good for the PTB, keeps us doing something trivial instead of watching their "other hand".
